Mission Statement

The Uberman Institute exists to:


The structures, and more specifically the institutions, that have brought about so much growth over the last 100 years, have become ridged and entrenched due to tyrannical and/or bureaucratic power dynamics. There is, however, more potential packed into the social and economic outlook of the world today there ever has been. The current social movements, from SJW’s to MAGA are quickly outflanking our most trusted and important institutions. Rather than hope they do not fail, the Uberman Institute was created to introduce competency into the equation. Only by integrating society can we realize the full potential of our shared future.

We will endeavor to create change in the following ways: First, constructive dialogue must be popularized. The only way to empower individuals and encourage creativity is if there is a space for genuine discussion. Our goal is to establish a code of conduct surrounding discussions which could become polarizing. To accomplish this, we must first build an easy to digest, universal philosophy, upon which we can advance society. Once these two things are established and well communicated, we will organize local, face-to- face discussion groups to field test our theories and engage the public in their local communities.

Our second mission is to generate wisdom. We will become an institution which curates and funds social and scientific research and we will specialize in analyzing and disseminating information. We will construct and propose policies based on the fact-based results of those findings.

Finally, we feel the American Dreams needs to be reformed. We must find a way to teach American history through a contemporary and more inclusive lens. The only way to develop the future of America is to integrate the past. America continues to evolve and while she was officially founded on July 4th, 1776, may her evolution never cease. There have been special people throughout our history that have founded this nation. We must abandon ideology and acknowledge the value of this process. Only then can we teach it to our future generations.