The key doctrines of the Uberman Institute are:

Freedom: Freedom is the cornerstone of progress and the appeal of America. Freedom includes but is not limited to, speech, religion, self-protection, and charity. Free speech is essential to thinking through the problems that face all of us. When we speak, we are processing our thoughts and formulating those into words to put it into the world. For society to renew itself, the top priority must be dissemination of ideas through free speech. Bad ideas must be drowned out by good ideas and good ideas must be debated and refined into better ideas, until one day we find the best ideas upon which to continue our society. Part of this process is the ability to act out our beliefs, which is how we define religion. Freedom of religion must accompany freedom of speech. Self- protection is the third aspect of freedom. An individual has the right to protect himself, his family and community from threat. The freedom to help where and how one is able is also essential for progress.

Acceptance: We claim acceptance is the first step to unification. For America to thrive we must accept all people. Acceptance is the door, through which, we must all pass to begin to make any progress. We must learn to accept ourselves to develop our future. Also, accepting all others on their individual path forward. Only once this occurs can we move forward together. This is not a political statement nor a religious statement…this must be human nature.

Integration: Integration is the highest form of actualization. The 20th century has shown us, in perhaps greater detail than in any other period of history, hierarchies based on power and which become tyrannical will destroy society. We must integrate both the positive and negative aspects of our past. It is imperative that we guard against fascism, bigotry, and ideology in all their forms. By integrating justice and mercy, America can ensure that all play a role in the benefit of the individual and the collective.

Truth: The pursuit of truth is the most meaningful achievement and should be our highest goal. We search for objective truth in all areas of life possible. We realize objective truth can be limited. Where subjective truth is concerned, acceptance and mutual respect must guide us forward. Individuals can experience truth differently, each providing valuable insight. Knowing procedural truth is not the same as knowing perspectival truth and the same goes for propositional and participatory truth. As far as society is united in the pursuit of truth, a more complete map of truth will begin to emerge and continue to direct us forward.

Honesty: Honesty must exist at all levels of progress. For these articles to sustain, honesty must be at the base of all intentions and actions. As we formulate thought and translate that into speech, we must critically assess the honesty with which we are working. It takes work to move society forward. Dishonesty cannot exist in a society built for the benefit of all.